Reimagining possible
Hennii is your
financial home
where everything
Forget everything you know about
the chaotic world of finance.
It can be easy.

Let's start a community for people to share their best practices and get questions answered from the financial experts.

What would you ask?

How to budget wisely?
How to keep up with the stock market?
How to track my spending habits and financial goals?
How to save and invest?
How to invest in virtual currencies?
How to save money for a new phone or trip to Thailand? :)
How to achieve financial freedom?

Today, maybe you don’t know the answers to these questions.

But you can find them with our help.

Personalized Insights
AI-Powered Agents
We believe that personal financial management should be different. Using modern technologies and integrated AI, we dared to rethink consumer financial journeys unmet in the current financial system. The financial industry isn’t ready for the age of AI - but Hennii predictions core is developed with conversational and assistive AI focus from Day-1.
Let us help you get control of your financial life.  We built Hennii, a secure financial assistant with conversational AI, to empower individuals and enable them to create/build wealth and achieve peace of mind that comes with the kind of financial security achieved through socially-conscious actions. Inclusive, accessible, designed to reimagine a better financial future for everyone. With Hennii, taking control over your financial reality will be easy and fun.

What we value

Hennii aims to inspire people to invest in themselves. We’ll invest in building the social-finance technology. You’ll invest in building you.
Universal coverage & accessibility.
Customer centric innovation & constant improvement.
Human, artificial, and financial.
Robust, responsive, human-centric & sustainable.
Security, compliance, privacy & transparency.
Custom designed cards
What would you choose?
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Our diverse
community inspires
our progress
The creative spirits. The independent thinkers. The true believers.

Here we are. Rough and imperfect, but quickly learning. Now, your turn. Who are you?

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